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Nature Walks

Below are 674 nature walks, mostly in southern NH (plus nearby New England), that are easy and scenic. These are NOT mountains (they are not tall at all).

To find these, see a Google Map:
      Nature Walks in Southern NH
      Nature Walks in Northeastern MA
      Nature Walks in Southern Maine
      Nature Walks in Vermont

Or for seacoast lovers, just the 30
      Ocean Beaches

New Hampshire
Abe Emerson Marsh
Acorn Town Forest
Ahern State Park
Albert Doolittle Conservation Area
Alice Peck Day Nature Trails
Amesbury Field Road
Andres Institute of Art
Arethusa Falls
Ashuelot River Park
Ashuelot River Rail Trail north
Ashuelot River Rail Trail south
Bachelder Trails
Bailey Brook
Bailey Pond
Barrington Watershed Area
Batchelder Mill Road Trails
B&M Rail Trail
Bear Brook State Park
Bear Island
Bear's Den Natural Area
Beaver Brook
Beaver Brook Falls
Bedford Heritage Trail
Bedrock Gardens
Bellamy River Wildlife Sanctuary
Benedictine Park
Benson Park
Betsey Dodge Conservation Area
Betty Arnold Forest
Bicknell/Colette Trail
Blackwater River Loop
Bockes Forest
Boscawen Town Forest
Boston Lot
Boulder Field (Pawtuckaway)
Bow Woods
Bradford Bog
Bridal Veil Falls
Broadview Farm Conservation Area
Broken Ground
Buck Meadow
Burns Farm
Caesar's Brook Reservation
Campbell Farm
Carter Forest
Carter Hill Orchard
Casalis Forest
Cathedral of the Pines
Center Harbor Woods
Chamberlain Forest
Champlin Forest
Charmingfare Farm (fee)
Chase Wildlife Sanctuary
Chesterfield Gorge
Chute Forest
Clark Pond
Clyde Pond Trails
Cold River
Cole Pond
Colebrook River Walk
College Woods
Contoocook Marsh
Contoocook River Park
Converse Meadow
Cooper Cedar Woods
Cornish Town Forest
Costa Conservation Area
Cotton Valley Rail Trail
Cottrell Forest
Cranberry Meadow Pond
Crotched Mountain Town Forest
Cunningham Pond Trail
Currier Point
Cutler-Spalding Conservation Area
Cutter Woods
Danville Town Forest
Darby Brook Conservation Area
David Dana Forest - Gold Mine
Dearborn Forest
Deer Leap
Deerfield Fair (fee)
Deering Wildlife Sanctuary
Dickerman Town Forest, Big
Doe Farm
Dover Community Trail
Drummer Hill Conservation Area
Dubes Pond Trail
Dublin Lake
Dublin Rotary Park
Eagle Trail
East Side Trails
Eastview Rail Trail
Epsom Town Forest
Evans Flats Trail
Fauver East Trail
Ferrin Pond Trail
Flint Hill Recreation Area
Flints Brook Trail
Floodplain Forest
Flume Gorge (fee)
FOMBA Trails
Forsaith Forest
Fort Hill Rail Trail
Foster's Pond
Fox Forest
Francestown Historic Tour
Francis Cormier Trail
Franklin Falls Trails
Fremont Rail Trail
Friendly Farm (fee)
Frog Rock
Frye Town Forest
Fuller Gardens (fee)
Garrison Hill
Gelazauskas Preserve
Glen Oakes Town Forest
Gonic Trails
Goodwill Conservation Area
Goose Pond
Granite Rail Trail
Grater Woods
Grater Woods east
Grater Woods west
Great Bay NERR
Great Bay NWR
Great Brook Trail
Great Gains Memorial Forest
Great Island Common (fee)
Greeley Park
Greeley Ponds
Greenville-Mason Rail Trail
Gumpus Pond Conservation Area
Hamlin Conservation Area
Hammond Nature Preserve and Walker Forest
Hampstead Western Trails
Hampton Beach
Haseltine Community Preserve
Hawthorne Town Forest
Heads Pond Trail
Heald Tract
Healy and Terrill Parks
Henderson-Swasey Town Forest
Heron Point Sanctuary
Heron Pond Loop
High Blue Forest
Hiroshi Loop Trail
Hobart-Fessenden Woods
Hopkinton-Everett Trails
Hopkinton Village Greenway
Horse Hill
Hudson Town Forest
Hutchins Forest
Ice Gulch
Indian Arrowhead Forest Preserve
Indian Ridge
Isinglass River Conservation Reserve
Jaquith Rail Trail
Joe English Reservation
Joppa Hill Farm
Joyce Park
Juggernaut Pond Trail
Kendall Pond Conservation Area
Kimball Pond
Kingman Farm
Kingston State Park
Kirby-Ivers Town Forest
Knights Pond Conservation Area
Knox and School Forests
Kuncanowet Town Forest
Lake Potanipo Trail
Lamprey River Tour
Lamson Farm
Langenau Forest
Lee Town Forest
Lehtinen Park
Lillian Cassier Memorial Forest
Lily Pond
Litchfield State Forest
Little Bear Trail
Little Harbor Loop Trail
Little River Conservation Area
Little Tooky Trail
Livingston Park
Londonderry Rail Trail
Lovejoy Trails
Loverens Mill Preserve
Lowe's Bald Spot
MacDowell Lake
Madison Boulder
Manchester Cedar Swamp
Manchester Heritage Trail
Marshall Forest
Mascoma River Greenway
Massabesic Audubon Center
Mast Road Natural Area
Mast Yard
Mayhew Island
McGreal Forest
Melendy Pond Land
Meredith Community Forest
Merrimack River Greenway Trail
Michaela's Way Loop
Mine Falls Park
Mink Brook Nature Preserve
Miriam Forest
Monadnock Recreational Rail Trail
Monson Village
Moore-Randall-Williams Wilderness
Moore's Falls
Morono Park
Mountain Pond
Mulligan Forest
Muriel Church Trail
Musquash (Hudson)
Musquash (Londonderry)
Nashua City Walks
Nashua Railroad North
Nashua Riverwalk
New Boston Rail Trail
Northern Rail Trail (East End)
Northern Rail Trail (West End)
North River Preserve
Northwood Meadows
Nottingcook Forest
Oaklands Town Forest
Odiorne Point (fee)
O'Reilly-Fleetham Trail
Oyster River Forest
Page Pond Community Forest
Paradise Point Wildlife Sanctuary
Partridge Woods
Pawtuckaway State Park
Peabody Town Forest
Peanut Rail Trail
Pelham Road Conservation Area
Pelham Schools Natural Area
Perry Reservation
Peterborough Rail Trail
Philbrick-Cricenti Bog
Pine Grove Cemetery
Pine Island Park
Piscassic Greenway
Piscataquog Trail
Plaistow Town Forest
Pond Parish Town Forest
Pond Parish east
Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge
Ponemah Bog
Portsmouth Waterfront
Potanipo Rail Trail
Potter Woods
Powder Major Forest
Proctor Wildlife Sanctuary
Prospect Hill
Pulpit Rock
Purgatory Falls
Quincy Bog
Ramblin Vewe Farm
Raymond Park
Red Bench Trail
Red Hill River Conservation Area
Richard Sargent WMA
Rideout Property
Riley Trails
Robin Hood Park
Robinson Pond
Roby Park
Rockingham Recreational Trail
Rotch Wildlife Preserve
Roussel Field and River Walk
Ruggles Mine
Russell Abbott State Forest
Russell Hill
Russell Mill Pond
Rye Beach
Saint-Gaudens (fee)
Salem Bike-Ped Corridor
Salem Town Forest
Sandown Town Forest
Sargent Camp
Sargent Town Forest
Saunders Pasture Conservation Area
Sawmill Swamp
Sawmill Swamp, South
Sawyer Conservation Land
Sawyer Ponds
Seccombe Trail
Sewall Woods
Sewalls Falls
Sheldrick Forest
Shell Cascade
Shieling Forest
Silk Farm
Silver Lake State Park (fee?)
Sklar Waterfront Park
Snyder Brook Scenic Area
Souhegan River Trail
South Manchester Rail Trail
Southwest Trails
Spaulding Park Town Forest
Spaulding Woods
Spears Park
Spruce Swamp
Squam Lakes Center (fee)
Squamscott River
Stearns-Lamont Forest
Stevens Rail Trail
Stonedam Island
Stonehouse Forest
Stonehouse Pond
Storrs Pond
Sugar River Rail Trail
Swain Forest
Sweet Trail
Terninko Boulder Loop Trail
Tetreault Park
Three Ponds Loop
Tinker Road
Tower Hill Pond
Trescott Lands
Tucker and French Family Forest
Tucker Brook Town Forest
Tuthill Woodlands Preserve
Twin Bridge Park
Urban Forestry Center
Valley Lane Town Forest
Wagon Hill Farm
Walcott Trails
Wales Preserve
Wallis Sands (fee)
Walter-Newton Conservation Trails
Wason Pond
Wasserman Conservation Area
Waternomee B-18 Site
Webb Forest
Weeks Woods
Welch Forest
Wellington State Park (fee)
West End Farm Trail
Wheeler Trail
Wildcat Falls
Willand Pond Trail
Williams Van Zandt Family Preserve
Winant Park
Windham Rail Trail
Windham Town Forest
Wind Mill Hill
Winnipesaukee River Trail
Woodlock Trail
WOW Rail Trail
Yudicky Farm
Nearby New England:

Acker Conservation Land
Acton Arboretum
Agassiz Rock
Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary
Appleton Farms (fee)
Arnold Arboretum
Ashintully Gardens
Ashland State Park
Ashland Town Forest
Assabet National Wildlife Refuge
Assabet River Rail Trail
Bald Hill Conservation Area
Balsam Trail
Barrett Park
Bartholomew's Cobble
Bash Bish Falls
Bay Farm Conservation Area
Beaver Brook Trails
Berlin Meadows
Bertozzi WMA
Billerica State Forest
Black Pond Nature Preserve
Blue Hills Reservation
Borderland State Park (fee)
Boston Harbor Islands (fee)
Boston Harborwalk
Bovenzi Park
Bowers Springs Conservation Area
Boxford State Forest
Bradley Palmer State Park (fee)
Breakheart Reservation
Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary (fee)
Bruce Freeman Rail Trail
Burlington Landlocked Forest
Burrage Pond WMA
Butterfly Place (fee)
Callahan State Park
Camp Acton
Cape Cod Canal Bikeway
Caratunk Wildlife Refuge
Chase Woodlands
Cedar Pond Wildlife Sanctuary
Chestnut Hill Farm
Chestnut Hill Reservoir
Choate Island
Cider Mill Pond
Clipper City Trail
Cochran Sanctuary
Coolidge Reservation
Cormier Woods
Cranberry Bog
Crane Beach (fee)
Crooked Spring Reservation
Crystal Conservation Areas
Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary
Danvers Swamp Walk
Deer Island
Deer Jump Reservation
Delaney Wildlife Management Area
Doyle Park
Drumlin Farm (fee)
Dunstable Rural Land Trust
Duxbury Beach
D. W. Field Park
Dykes Pond Loop
East Boston Camps
Echo Bridge
Elm Bank Reservation
Emerald Necklace
Emerson-Thoreau Amble
Estabrook Woods
Fairhaven Hill Trails
Farandnear Reservation
Fawn Lake Conservation Area
F. Gilbert Hills State Forest
Fish Brook Reservation
Flagg Hill property
Flat Rock Wildlife Sanctuary
Fork Factory Brook
Forty Caves
Foss Farm
Frances Hill Wildlife Sanctuary
Franklin Park Zoo (fee)
Freedom Trail
Freetown State Forest
Fruitlands Museum (fee)
Gardner Hill Conservation Area
Gates Pond
Georgetown-Rowley State Forest
Goldsmith Reservation
Good Harbor Beach (fee)
Gordon College Woods
Grand Wenham Canal Path
Grassy Pond Conservation Area
Grassy Pond Conservation Land
Gray Reservation
Great Brook Farm State Park (fee)
Great Esker Park
Great Meadows NWR (fee)
Great Meadows NWR north
Greystone Trails
Groton Town Forest
Gulf Brook
Haggetts Pond
Half Moon Beach (fee)
Halibut Point
Hamlin Reservation
Harold B. Clark Town Forest
Harold Parker Forest
Hartwell Preserve
Harvard Research Forest
Haskell Pond Loop
Hazel Brook Conservation Area
Heald Orchard
Heath Hen Meadow
High Ledges Wildlife Sanctuary
Holbrook Town Forest
Hopkinton State Park (fee)
Howard Park
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary (fee)
J Harry Rich State Forest
Jamaica Pond
Keyes Farm
Keyes Parker Conservation Areas
Lime Kiln Quarry
Linkel Woods
Long Beach, Rockport
Long Hill
Long Lake Park
Long Pond Trail
Lowell Dracut Forest
Lowell Holly Reservation
Lowell National Historical Park
Lowell Riverwalk
Lunden Pond
Lynn Woods Reservation
Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory (fee)
Mainstone Farm
Manchester-Essex Wilderness Conservation Area
Marblehead Rail Trail
Mary Cummings Park
Mass Central Rail Trail
Maudslay State Park (fee)
McLaren Rail Trail
Meadow Brook Conservation Area
Meetinghouse Park
Merrimac Town Forest
Merrimack River Bike Path
Middlesex Fells Reservation
Middleton Pond
Minnie Reid Conservation Area
Minuteman Bikeway
Misery Island (fee)
Moore State Park
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary
Mount Misery Conservation Area
Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Mt. Lebanon Property
Myles Standish State Forest
Mystery Spring
Nagog Hill Conservation Land
Nahant Beach (fee)
Nantasket Beach
Nashoba Brook Conservation Area
Nashoba Brook Watershed
Nashua River Rail Trail
Nauset Beach (fee)
Nissitissit Meadows
Noanet Woodlands
Norris Reservation
North Central Pathway
North Hill Marsh
Norwottuck Rail Trail
O'Brien Farm
October Farm Riverfront
Old Sturbridge Village
Osgood Hill and Stevens Estate
Oxbow Refuge
Oxbow Refuge North
Paint Mine Conservation Area
Peace Trail
Phillips Nature Preserve
Pine Meadow Conservation Area
Plum Island (fee)
Ponkapoag Pond
Poutwater Pond WMA
Prouty Woods
Purgatory Chasm
Quinapoxet River Area
Ravenswood Park
Red Line Path
Reformatory Trail
Revere Beach (fee)
Richardson Preserve
Rocky Hill Wildlife Refuge
Rocky Narrows Reservation
Rocky Pond (Boylston)
Rocky Pond (Leomminster)
Rocky Woods (fee)
Rough Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary
Round Hill
Round Pond Conservation Land
Royalston Falls
Saddle Hill Nature Walk
Salisbury Beach (fee)
Sandy Pond
Sandy Point Reservation (fee)
Sandwich Boardwalk (fee)
Sassafras Trail
Shattuck Reservation
Shawsheen River Reservation
Sherburne Nature Center
Skinner Forest
Skug River Reservation
Southwick's Zoo (fee)
South Woods
Spaulding-Proctor Reservation
Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm
Spot Pond
Squannacook Rail Trail North
Squannacook Rail Trail South
Squannacook River WMA
Stavros Reservation
Stevens-Coolidge House & Gardens
Stone Arch Bridge
Stone Zoo (fee)
Stony Brook Reservation
Stony Brook Wildlife (fee)
Strawberry Hill and Greenwood Farm
Sudbury Memorial Forest
Surrenden Farms
Swift River Reservation
Thanksgiving Forest
Throne Hill Area
Timberlake Conservation Land
Tom Paul Trail
Tophet Chasm
Tower Hill Botanic Garden (fee)
Towle Land
Townsend State Forest (Center)
Townsend State Forest (East)
Townsend State Forest (West)
Trout Brook Reservation
Turkey Hill and Weir River Farm
Turkey Hill Area
Unkety Woods
Upper Charles Rail Trail
Upton State Forest
Veterans Memorial Complex
Wachusett Meadow (fee?)
Wachusett Reservoir
Walden Pond (fee)
Walkup Reservation
Ward Reservation
Wayland Rail Trail
Wayside Inn Historic Site
Weir Hill
Wellfleet Sanctuary (fee)
Westside Trail
Wharton Plantation
Willard Brook State Forest
White Pond Reservation
Whitney and Thayer Woods
Willowdale State Forest
Wilson Mountain Reservation
Wingaersheek Beach (fee)
Winnekenni Park
Woodchuck Trail
Wright Reservation
Wunnegen Conservation Area
Yapp Conservation Land

Bar Island
Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse
Biddeford Pool
Bug Light
Coastal Maine Gardens (fee)
Ferry Beach (fee)
Goose Rocks Beach (fee)
Great Head
Hadlock Brook Trail
Hurricane Island
Kennebunk Bridle Path
Kennebunk Plains WMA
Kittery Point (fee)
Mackworth Island (fee)
Monhegan Island (fee)
Monroe Island
Ogunquit (fee)
Ogunquit River (fee)
Old Orchard Beach (fee)
Parsons Way
Pine Point Beach
Rachel Carson NWR
Rockland Breakwater
Scarborough Beach (fee)
Smith Preserve
Vaughan Woods
Wells Beach
Wells Reserve at Laudholm
Wiggly Bridge
Wiscasset Railroad
Wolfe's Neck Woods (fee)
York Beach (fee)
York Harbor
York's Wild Kingdom (fee)

Island Line Trail
Kettle Pond
Lost Mine Trail
Path of Life Garden (fee)
Quechee Gorge
Shelburne Museum (fee)

Mystic Seaport (fee)